var snippets={'form-unsuccessful-body':'

Your details could not be submitted at this time.

','form-unsuccessful-title':'Uh oh...','institute-lookup-intro':'

Search for your institute to see actual program costs. If you cannot find your institute, choose \"Select no institute\" to see unsubsidised costs.


Some of your answers are incorrect.

Check your answers, and try again.

','program_question_marking_title':'Check your answers','program_question_missing_body':'

You have not answered all of the questions.

Check for any missing answers, and try again.

','program_question_missing_title':'You are missing an answer','program_review_answers_body':'

Well done, you got all the answers correct.

Would you like to review the answers to these questions, or continue to the next section?

','program_review_answers_title':'You got all the questions correct','program-auto-logout-button':'I\'m still here','program-auto-logout-body':'

We have noticed that you have been inactive, and we are just checking that you\'re still there.

Unless you interact below, you will be logged out automatically shortly.

','program-auto-logout-title':'Are you still there?','auto-logout-button':'I\'m still here','auto-logout-body':'

We have noticed that you have been inactive, and we are just checking that you\'re still there.

Unless you interact below, you will be logged out automatically shortly.

','auto-logout-title':'Are you still there?','login-reset-password':'

Forgotten your password? Reset password

Not a member? Register now


Your account has been created.

You have been sent an email with a link to activate your account.


Your payment was successful.

This page will now reload.

','subscription_payment_success_title':'Payment successful',} var getLanguage=function(ref,replacements){if(!snippets.hasOwnProperty(ref)){console.log('"'+ref+'" could not be found');return'';}var str=snippets[ref];if(typeof replacements=='object'){for(var ref in replacements){if(replacements.hasOwnProperty(ref)){str=str.replace(new RegExp(RegExp.escape(ref),'g'),replacements[ref]);}}}return str;};var programLang = {"program_required_name": "You need to provide us with your name", "program_required_year_level": "Please select your year level", "program_required_survey": "Please select a response", "program_required_question_free": "Please enter your answer", "program_required_question_multi_one": "Please select your answer", "program_required_question_multi_multi": "Please select one or more answers", "program_required_question_drag_drop": "Please drag the words in to their correct location", "program_incomplete_drag_drop": "Make sure all of the spaces have been filled", "program_question_incorrect": "Your answer is incorrect. Please try again."}